They'd pressed their luck repeatedly throughout the game and their number was finally up. So, back they went to secure that objective again. Right after this, I got a card for Objective #1 again. There was no place for my proxy Exorcist (subbed in from my old Dark Angels army) to hide, so it would have to just rely on it's 13 front armor and cover save. With his new Defiler staring me down I had to cluster my small army into two ruins to avoid his Line of Sight. Devon won the roll off and deployed first. We'd get 3 objective cards per turn, which we kept hidden from our opponents. Deployment was long-ways, with six mysterious objectives placed. We played another Maelstrom of War mission. As I've just signed up for Geek Nation Tours Adepticon trip for 2015, I will definitely be getting these Sisters up to fully painted status asap. You have my apologies, but we are both working on our new armies whenever we get the chance.

This post again features unsightly pictures of unpainted miniatures. We upped the points value to 750, which is still pretty manageable for noobs like us. He had acquired a bunch of new Chaos units from another good friend (Russ, he of the Celesticon tournament). I got another game of 40K played last Friday (Sep.