The big draw of previous No More Heroes games was the ranking fights, the big boss battles that bookended the open-world and combat grinds.

Special moves often whiff, and enemies can hit you while you’re knocked down or even in the middle of the cool-looking slowdown effect that happens whenever you dodge an enemy’s attack.

During the actual fights, it feels good to string together light and heavy attacks, throws, and special “Death Drive” moves to melt down enemy health bars, but the combat can also feel finicky. Early fights take as long to enter and exit as they do to complete, thanks to both the brevity of the fights and longevity of the transitory animations and loading screens. Most combat missions have you facing off against two or three waves of two to five enemies apiece. These fights and part-time jobs, along with some open-world exploration, make up the bulk of the game’s run time. I wasn’t into combat for the actual fighting so much as how vibrant it looks It all feels like some multimedia art project that just happens to include interactive elements. 1.” After the intro “episode” plays out, you watch protagonist Travis Touchdown and his friend Bishop nerd out about their favorite Takashi Miike films for a while. The rest of the intro (and the entire game) plays out like an anime series, complete with an amazing opening title sequence and chapters divided up by credits sequences that end with a Netflix-style “next episode in 3. As FU’s alien armies invade Earth, No More Heroes 3 throws you into a combat tutorial. In its first hour, you watch a surprisingly lavish animated sequence chronicling the backstory of the main antagonist, intergalactic warlord Jess-Baptist VI, also known as FU. That messiness can be jarring and occasionally tedious, but it’s also what makes No More Heroes 3 a fascinating and off-kilter game. It’s crammed full of dissonant aesthetics, with pixels and VHS tape decay rubbing up against anime and photomontage art. It’s a pop-culture reference fest at a time when crossovers between major franchises aren’t all that special.

It’s an open-world game with a barren, flat world. It’s a hyperviolent and crass hack-and-slash action game with mediocre combat. No More Heroes 3 is made out of lots of messy pieces.